LKFT Test Stats
Total LTS releases 211443412316212
Regressions 21836011091
Replied 209430404280174
SLA <8h 2072435251
SLA <24h 182357330253134
SLA <48h 2884918579
SLA >48h 00001
SLA Superceded 3551335432
Total RC's 265564497444297
Total QA tests * 83,238,181168,272,468227,019,113340,976,561181,415,481
Kernel Revisions * 2,9163,3152,6022,4431,040
Kernels Built * 00855,441964,514353,113
Reported-by tags ** 543428200156
Tested-by tags ** 2516385313

* These numbers includes LTS, latest released kernel, mainline and next kernels.

** These numbers is pulled from the mainline kernel git history.